This has been one of my favorite songs! I was so happy that one of the churches I play for had it on the set list this month! I hadn’t played it in a little over 2 years, when I first started drumming. It was really fun to go back to it.
Never Have I Ever Drum Cover – Hillsong Young & Free
This song is fun and easy to play. I like this song for working on my kick & snare feel. I couldn’t find the song meaning or story behind why it was written. So I posted the lyrics here. Its pretty straight-forward. It’s a catchy song with quippy name targeted toward younger audiences. I love… Continue reading Never Have I Ever Drum Cover – Hillsong Young & Free
Vic Firth Heavy Hitter Stock Pad – Review
I bought this practice pad 4 months ago and its time for a little review of it. I like this pad pretty well. I LOVE Vic Firth, so naturally I enjoy using their drum pad. Vic Firth was also the brand of the first drum pad I ever owned (a little 6″ grey pad”) and… Continue reading Vic Firth Heavy Hitter Stock Pad – Review
Battle Belongs Drum Cover – Phil Wickham
Phil Wickham said the story behind this song comes from 2Chronicles20: Jehoshaphat Defeats Moab and Ammon. In summary, the soldiers from the chapter are scared to go into battle, but God tells them that the battle is not theirs to fight – its God’s. They end up sending worshippers to the front line instead of… Continue reading Battle Belongs Drum Cover – Phil Wickham
New Year’s Weekend
We’re starting off 2022! I’m very excited. I’ve got lots of new drumming goals for the coming year. Here are some of my drumming goals: Get my single stroke roll to 92bpm (16ths) and CONTROLLED and ACCENTED ANYWHERE. My goal is to play this like it’s nothing. Any advice would be appreciated LOL. I’m at… Continue reading New Year’s Weekend
Dirty Little Secret Drum Cover
I recorded this drum cover in my “new” garage studio. I say “new” because we’ve had the garage forever, I just put up the tapestry for the background, added some hanging lamps (which do NOT provide enough light for high quality video) and brought some of my drum gear in. I’m also using my brand… Continue reading Dirty Little Secret Drum Cover
Wicked 80s.
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The Rainforest.
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Coffee Beans.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conty ctetur all the adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqu. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exeitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip exea commodo consequat. Duis auteore eu fugiat nulla.
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